“Three Word Question”

I was sitting in my usual post-dinner spot on the couch last night, my belly more full than it needed to be (not complaining for having a delicious meal, but for my weakness of appetite  control). With nothing particularly exciting on TV, I landed on one of the nighttime political opinion/news channels. 

I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. 

The host was interviewing via video chat a family in NJ who had recently lost their husband/father to the Coronavirus. A grieving wife and her three children (two teen daughters and a young son) had gathered to honor their fallen, a highly respected police officer and beloved member of their community. He was probably in his early forties and was in peak condition (not in any “at risk” group). 

It took tremendous courage to be willing to tell their story. I wish it were uncommon, but we know the sad reality of these days. So many lost in this pandemic... 

As the interview was nearing the conclusion, the host asked them a simple question, but one that caught the family (and me) off guard. 

“How’s your heart?” 

The mother was initially speechless, but gathered herself to reply with candor. She’s heartbroken; her partner is gone, lost not in the line of duty, but in the line of living. The host tenderly spoke words of encouragement and praise for the life of their hero. 

But that simple three-word question haunts me still. I’m not sure I possess the candor to express my own “heart condition.”  

Yet it could be the most important question we ask ourselves and others, especially now. 

I have no nice, neat bow to tie up the ending of this post (it would be disingenuous at best to do so). All that remains is the question and the willingness to seek the answer.

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