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“Three Word Question”

I was sitting in my usual post-dinner spot on the couch last night, my belly more full than it needed to be (not complaining for having a delicious meal, but for my weakness of appetite  control). With nothing particularly exciting…

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“Against All Things Ending”

It was sometime later on Friday evening when I saw the shocking news; Chadwick Boseman, dead at age 43, after a four year long battle with colon cancer. At first I couldn’t believe it, and quickly began checking other sources…

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Mid morning Sunday. I’ve started my second cup of Earl Grey (steeped for precisely 3 minutes, with 3 teaspoons of sugar). The house is still quiet save the low rumble of the AC, and the not so low rumblings from…

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"My Favorite Amp"

I am a musician; specifically a guitarist/bassist. 

Yes, I’m both. Just because you play guitar doesn’t automatically make you a bass player. Sorry...that could be another post altogether. 

I started learning to play guitar at age 13. It was a…

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“Waiting On The World To Change”

I try to stay current with popular culture (film/tv, music, books, etc), but invariably I miss some great works.  

If you haven’t watched “BlackkKlansman” a 2018 Spike Lee “joint” (based on the true story of a Black undercover officer who…

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"Vox Humana (A Post in Progress)"

"Vox Humana"

  • “Vox Humana” is Latin for “human voice” 
  • Also a reed stop on a pipe organ, designed to emulate a human voice. The vowel sound most used is an open “O” 
  • The universal blood type is commonly agreed to
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The 'Peace' Wall

We had just finished our morning concert at a Catholic school in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Our hour-long presentation was a powerful combination of music paired with video imagery that told the story of division and reunion, and redemption after the…

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